Adopt A Student
We aim to promote awareness among the Sikh community and help them educate their children. Despite being the 5th largest religion in the world, Sikh children are often unable to get an education, and a dearth of resources and inaccurate textbooks can lead to high rates of bullying in the school. At Ranjit Nagara, we believe in the power of education in transforming the world, that is why we fiercely advocate the concept of educational justice. Most of the children in the Sikh community are either unable to get an education — particularly students from poor families — while those who attend schools anyway lack the necessities to reach their full academic potential. We at Ranjit Nagara strive to advocate those children, each day. This work isn’t possible without your donations! We partner with school officials, educators, policymakers, and textbook companies to address these interlocking education-related issues systematically. Through our advocacy and research, we’re striving to create the opportunities that help needy students thrive.

Every child deserves to get an education. Thanks to people like you, adopt a student and ensure all children have the best chance to get an education. Get in touch with us today!

Every child deserves a secure and healthy environment to get an education as it is the most important thing for them. Education helps children in reaching their full potential. It provides us the knowledge of everything around us and helps us in making the world a better place to live. It also helps in building different perspectives about life, and things going on in our lives. Education helps in making ourselves capable of interpreting things and building opinions about them. It’s not just the textbooks lessons that we get from education, but it teaches us the lessons of life. The world would be a better place only if there is education for everyone – regardless of color, faith, and status.

Together, we can do a lot more than just educating children around us – we can empower them for a brighter future and success. Together, we can provide them with education and necessary life skills that can help them grow into adults who earn respectfully, give education to their children, and raise voice in their community.