Having an occupation or job is the most significant part of our lives. An occupation enables us to earn for meeting the necessities of our lives i.e. clothing, food, accommodation, etc. What kind of leisure activities to participate in or what kind of vehicle one can drive – this all depends on the occupation of a person. A job/occupation provides a lot more than that, it helps people with a sense of responsibility, purpose, and productivity. In the world of today where getting education has become difficult, it has become even more difficult to get an occupation after qualifying. Being the 5th largest faith in the world, Sikhs are deprived of their basic rights around the world. They are treated unequally due to which they are unable to get jobs. In such a scenario, it has become important to help them so they can thrive in the community.
At Ranjit Nagara, our mission is to build non-profit occupational centers for the needy Sikh community. We’re striving to provide opportunities to a diverse population of needy students with the ability to be educationally prepared, technically skilled, and career-ready. There is a great difference in just having an occupation versus having an occupation for which you have passion. We are a non-profit organization that is there to help individuals who have passion but are unable to work for it. We, along with your help develop the programs and career pathways that help students in transforming their education into a passion and to provide them with amazing exciting career opportunities.
If you are interested in donating for the sake of religious devotion, get in touch with us today and we will brief you about everything. Ranjit Nagara is an un-lucrative organization so feel free to donate!